Saturday, July 27

The Finalists of ‘Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards’ – 2021

One of the major genres in modern photography is ‘Wildlife’. Many people commit their lives to this daring form of photography, and it is so popular that camera production firms offer dedicated gear for photographing in the wild. And this is the time of the year when we get to offer you the chosen finalists of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards competition for the year 2021. It is fantastic to spectate these amazing photographers presenting images of amusing positions and situations of the animal kingdom to us every year. Although wildlife is regarded as a very difficult endeavour (which it is), this competition throws the attention on something much pleasant, humour.

Comedy lights up any and everything it encounters with. And this has become the uniting glue for all photographers and photo/wildlife aficionados worldwide. This magnificent relationship of humanity with Nature increases up the bond we share. Even though the worldwide epidemic precluded many of the photographers from travelling, many turned to local locales. With all these obstacles, the program has garnered over 7000 submissions for its 7th annual competition. Let’s check out the remainder of the tale, along with the finalists of this great competition, by scrolling down.

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Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
John Speirs


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Ken Jensen


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Carol Taylor

A member of the Comedy Wildlife Photography Awards 2021 team revealed to Bored Panda that this tournament involves a lot of attention on observation, patience, and responding promptly. Funny moments in nature photography are hard to come by. If and when you receive one, you should be able to catch it within seconds. Enjoy the remainder of the photographs, and let us know what you think about these funny photos in the comments area below.


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Sarosh Lodhi


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Charlie Page


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Aditya Kshirsagar


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Aditya Kshirsagar


Andy Parkinson


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Andy Parkinson


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Andrew Mayes


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Arthur Trevino


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Brook Burling


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Chee Kee Teo


Cheryl Strah


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Chu han lin


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Clemence Guinard


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Dawn Wilson


Dirk-Jan Steehouwer


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Edwin Smiths


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Gurumoorthy K


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Jakub Hodan


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Jan Piecha


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Joshua Galicki


Kevin Biskaborn


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Larry Petterborg


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Lea Scaddan


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Martina Novotna


Mattias Hammar


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Patrick Dirlam


Nicolas de VAULX


Philipp Stahr


Rick Elieson


Roland Kranitz


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Roland Kranitz


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Siddhant Agrawal


Pal Marchhart


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Wenona Suydam


Axel Bocker


David Eppley


Dikky Oesin


Lea Scaddan


Comedy Wildlife Photography awards 2021
Anita Ross

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