Tuesday, October 22

Creative Photography

Photographer Illuminates the Desert with UV Light and Captures Extraordinary Sights

Photographer Illuminates the Desert with UV Light and Captures Extraordinary Sights

Creative Photography, Featured
Cody Cobb is an American landscape photographer who just can't settle with traditional landscape photographs. His goal would always be to capture a totally different perspective of an ordinary landscape. 'Spectral' is one of his outstanding ongoing projects which carries his vision. He makes dreamlike landscape photographs of the American West with his special lighting trick. His special trick to be exact is using UV light, to create a Sci-fi atmosphere for landscape photographs. UV light can reveal an invisible (to visible light) spectrum of colours of living and non-living objects, especially bacteria. He projects UV light onto desert flora, ravines, rocks, water streams, etc. and captures their otherwise hidden colours with his camera, in the evenings and at night times. More...
This Photographer is Making Himself Tiny and He is Good at It

This Photographer is Making Himself Tiny and He is Good at It

Creative Photography, Featured
Photographic manipulations didn't take much time to emerge after establishing the photographic process in 1826. Photographers have already started manipulating photographs in mid 18s. While manipulations are mostly used to create surreal and artistic photographs, there were some incidents where photographic manipulation is used for unethical political intentions. But let us just forget the negative side of it. Because the amazingly talented photographer we are featuring today is using manipulation to produce creative, dreamy and hysterical photographs. Joel Robison is a Canadian photographer who loves storytelling and self-expression through photography. His most notable style of art is making himself tiny and placing himself in surreal scenarios. The outcome is remarkable. Image ...
This Master Photographer Deliberately Records the Motion Blur to Create Masterpieces

This Master Photographer Deliberately Records the Motion Blur to Create Masterpieces

Creative Photography
Motion Blur is a nightmare for all photographers almost all the time. There are some limited occasions where photographers capture the motion blur intentionally. But, we bet you haven't seen a photographer is trying to capture motion blur while shooting a 'performing art' event. Typically, one tries to capture a performing art clean and sharp as much as possible. We at Fotomated are going to show you the total opposite of that today. Henry Rajakaruna is a pioneer in the photography field in Sri Lanka. He is the one and only photographer who holds MFIAP (Master Photographer of FIAP) in Sri Lanka as of today. While capturing theatrical performances in the early '80s, it occurred to him that recording the movement of the performers can create a unique form of art, instead of freezing the...
This Photographer Creates Amazing Light Trail Photographs with Fire Sparks

This Photographer Creates Amazing Light Trail Photographs with Fire Sparks

Creative Photography
As you would already know, 'Light Trail Photography' is a type of long exposure photography. By keeping the camera shutter open for a prolonged period of time, light trails can be produced by moving lights across the frame. That is about a typical light trail photograph. But, what you are about to see is not just typical light trail photographs. Vitor Schietti, a Brazilian artist and photographer creates amazing light trail photographs with fire sparks in his own way. Even though he is not the first one to create light trails using fire sparks, he invented a method that combines fire sparks and the natural environment during the twilight to produce a dreamy atmosphere. Have a look at his brilliant work below. Image credit & More info: schiettifotografia.com | Facebook | Instag...
35 Amazing Images of Miniature Life Created by a Photographer/Artist

35 Amazing Images of Miniature Life Created by a Photographer/Artist

Creative Photography, Featured
Composition is a major part of photography, which is important as much as Exposure and Framing. Photography is not always about capturing what is in front of the camera as it is. Sometimes, the photographer can and the photographer must compose the scene to convey the message he or she wants, to the audience. The strength and the value of the photograph depend on how well the scene is composed. Tatsuya Tanaka is a photographer/artist who has brought the composition to a whole another level. He can compose a whole new world using miniature figures and small things we come across in our day to day life. He uses food items, stationeries, kitchen items, clothing accessories, musical instruments, sanitary items, small toys, small homemade furniture and anything at all along with miniature ...
A Photographer Shows How to Create Amazing Shots with a Simple Setup

A Photographer Shows How to Create Amazing Shots with a Simple Setup

Creative Photography, Featured
What is a Photographer? Photographers make tales with the photos they record with their cameras, and they use their art to represent their personalities and points of view. Photographers can demonstrate their artistic ability in a range of photography genres, including fashion, studio work, travel, journalism, nature, etc. Photography Industry Many people work in the photography industry as a profession or as a pastime. It's incredible that someone can capture a moment in time in a photograph that will stay forever. You can experiment with perspectives, lighting, angles, and a variety of other factors to generate visual effects. A Nigerian Photographer Even if photography equipment and gear are costly, if you truly have the desire, you will find a way. This is a story about...
This Photographer Has an Uncanny Ability to Capture Perfectly Timed Photographs

This Photographer Has an Uncanny Ability to Capture Perfectly Timed Photographs

Creative Photography, Wildlife Photography
Photographs are remarkable bits of memory; they capture moments in time that would otherwise be lost to time. The advancement of technology has enabled this incredible feat to be accomplished. This is supported by photographers who have helped make photography the famous and massive industry today. Among the various requirements for being a photographer, an eye for the frame and timing are two of the most common (and of course achieving the correct exposure). You should be prepared to take a photograph of your subject at any time your attention is drawn to it for an aesthetic reason. To accomplish this, you must be confident in your abilities and the settings for that precise location and time, and you must do so in an instant. There are areas of photography where speed is critical, su...