Thursday, March 27

This Photographer Captures Amazing Unorthodox Images of Dogs

With the rise of Pet Photography as a whole new sector of business, many talented pet photographers began to explore and experiment with unique and creative styles for their photoshoots to stand out in the large crowd. We at Fotomated have featured many works of creative pet photographers who think out of the box and bring something fresh and unique to the field. In fact, they are the ones who are keeling this genre without getting bored with the all traditional and typical pet photographs.

Cat Race is an England based photographer and she has her own unique style of photographing dogs. She seems to be playing pretty clever with the ‘perspective’ and creating beautiful and adorable unorthodox photographs. Her little trick makes the dogs look funny and look like cartoon characters where heads are larger than their bodies. Let’s get technical details later, let us enjoy the photographs first.

Image credit & More info: | Facebook | Twitter | Instagram | YouTube

Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography

All dogs are equally funny and adorable in these photographs. The trick here to make the dogs’ heads look really large compared to their bodies is using a wide-angle lens very close to the head of the dog. That way, the native distortion of wide lenses (barrel distortion) comes into play by making the objects in the centre of the frame bigger (which is the head) and other objects smaller (other parts of the body and the background).

Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography
(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography
(c) CatsDog Photography
(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography

Apart from the unique perspective, she has cleverly managed to keep eye contact of the dogs directly in the lens with so much anticipation and determination. How does she do it?

(c) CatsDog Photography
(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography

In an interview with PetaPixel, she mentions, “The way we capture the dogs looking straight into the lens is a combination of tricks between my assistant aka dog whisperer Michael and me”. She further explains, “He holds treats above my lens, but not in an ordinary way, it’s hard to put my finger on but he moves in a way that the dog stays focused for ages, thinking the treat is coming their way!”

Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography

To heighten the anticipation her assistant sometimes breaks the treats very slowly over the camera or reaches into the treat bag while the dog is watching.

Check the below BTS video out to see her and her assistant using their tricks.

(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography

But that’s not all at all. She explains another trick of her getting dogs’ attention. “I also have a plethora of weird noises that I make, from high pitched squeals to deep woofs, I sound ridiculous but it gets the dogs tilting their heads so I don’t care!” she adds. She also possesses a ton of whistles that make various animal sounds too, like a crow, pheasant, rabbit, etc.

(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography
Unorthodox Images of Dogs
(c) CatsDog Photography

Check her website and social accounts to see many more beautiful pet photographs. And let us know your thoughts about these adorable photographs, in the comments section below.

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